About ShareLifeNow

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The number of ways we can communicate and share right now is pretty incredible – phone, email, texts and chats, Twitter and Facebook, and face-to-face even when we’re not physically face-to-face (thanks webcams).  And we can share practically whenever we want, wherever we want, instantaneously and spontaneously.  Seems like a very exciting time to be sharing.

It’s in all this sharing that a lot can be found about living well – things that provide empowerment, inspiration, support, direction, hope, wisdom, humor, and so much more.  Bringing together all these things into a project about living even better is what The ShareLifeNow Project is about – learning to live even better tomorrow from the things we share today.

The project has two aims for doing this:

  1. To use the ways we communicate today to bring together the ideas, stories, and media that help us live even better.  Whether it’s something that inspires, empowers, offers words of wisdom, or makes us laugh, the project aims to aggregate these things into a resource that makes them easy to find and easy to share.
  2. To sort through this content for the big themes that help us live even better.  Sorting and analyzing information is what I usually do as a researcher, so as ideas, stories, and media are shared through the project, I’ll be going through and organizing them to highlight the themes that seem to have the strongest connection with people and are the most popular.  I’ll post updates (under “Project Notes+Updates“) about these themes, why they might help, how they show up in our everyday lives, and how we might utilize them to live even better.

I should also mention that this project wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for one very important contribution: all of us.  If there’s something that you liked, made your day, or made you laugh, please feel encouraged to let it be known and to pass it on – share it on Facebook, Twitter, “Like” it, repost it, comment on it, share it to your heart’s content because your input is uniquely helpful.  And likewise, please feel welcome to submit any ideas, stories, or media that aren’t on the site but help you live better – you can do so by visiting “Share” on the website, or tweeting @ShareLifeNow on Twitter.  My only request, please let me know who I can give credit to, because if anyone deserves it, it’s those who help us live our lives even a little bit better.

Thanks for your interest in the project and for stopping by.  You’ll be able to find ideas, stories, and media about living better on this project website, while the Twitter page here and Facebook page here will offer more quick and on-the-go versions of them.  Feel free to follow on Twitter and via email, and to “Like” on Facebook, to receive the latest posts in your news streams. And please keep on sharing, because you never know when a moment of clarity, inspiration, or growth might come, and when that inspiration can do the same for others.

With appreciation,
– Brandon @ The ShareLifeNow Project

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